
“On first encountering Joe Nicastri’s painting one is struck with the beautifully articulated  and expertly rendered detail. Engaging with the work is stepping out of the ordinary and into another space … the atmosphere is tangible, the structures are stable, the elements are familiar … things have names, yet somehow altered in their relationship to each other …. there is an order which remains elusive … a mystery pervades this dislocated reality that leaves me engaged, intrigued, and challenged … What is the story of this place? Why is it filled with these things … and what is it saying to me?”

Arthur Dunkelman

Director, Kislak Center & Special Collections, University of Miami

Paintings: Exhibition Series

The Exhibition Series paintings are my way of maintaining a consistent thread while simultaneously exploring anything I want. I see them as a sort of stage wheere the set, the lighting and the characters change with each new scene. In this way I avoid repetitive imagery and content.

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Paintings: Flowers

I love flowers and I love painting them. Each painting is a celebration of beauty.

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Paintings: The Everglades and Other Landscapes

The Florida Everglades is one of the great wonders of the world. Yet it very existence s being challenged by development, global warming, and people faing to understand how fragile its ecosystem really is.

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Paintings: Women in Masks

Masks are used to tantalize and attract. As an erotic device, weariing a mask presents the perfect opportunity to run wild and carefree by hiding one’s identity, allowing an individual to break the prescribed norms.

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Paintings: Pop Art Portraits

While I love photography, there’s a life to creating an images of a person by the use of the hand that photography can never match.

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Paintings: Traditional & Family Portraits

My subjects love working with me to design the perfect setting for themselves or their family, whether grounded in reality or creative representative fantasy.

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Paintings: Mixed Subjects

This is where I do most of my thinking and exploring of possible themes. Sometimes these pieces are simply diversions that one day may lead to something.

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Paintings: Old and Modern Master Copies

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t have a non-production line copy of a painting you love that would be otherwise inaccessible or unaffordable.

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Photomontage: Lost to Memory

There is an inescapable poignancy about abondoned structures. If only the walls could speak, what poems they would recite and what stories they would tell.

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Photomontage: Magical Landscapes

Treat your children or grandchildren to a world of magic where they will live forever.

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Photomontage: Mixed Subjects

Again, this is a place for thinking, exploration, and discovery.

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Photography: The Hand

Our hands are facinating subjects. they tell a story all of their own. They are our existential voice, they are what we do.

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Photography: The Hamptons 1985

The Hamptons hasbeen where the New York art world has gone for the summer since the 1950’s. The 80’s was a very poignant time for artists, dealers, and collectors alike. The Hamptons has been a free space for both gay and straight communites alike, progressive, cultured, and sophisticated.

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Photography: Women in Masks

The mystery and freedom bestowed by the wearing of the mask. Some of these will become paintings, others are just fine as is.

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Photography: Mixed Subjects

A place to explore, to learn, and to grow. Not everything has to be perfect.

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Sculpture: The Holocaust and Human Rights

One wonders if our species is capable of respecting the differences between our various ethnicities. Scapgoating, culturcide, and genocide seem to be our remedies of choice when we want what the other has or when the other presents alternative ways of viewing the world.

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